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Accurate Reporting

in a very quick time

BMDC Verified Doctor

to ensure the reporting quality

Powerful Technology

used to provide accurate reporting

Emergency Support

by calling this number: +88 01728 652 898

About US

THE NAME "Medixprt" HAS COME FROM 'Medical Reporting Expart'.

"Medixprt"- is a very efficient Technology based Solution for Radiology and Pathology Reporting within a short time from anywhere.

  • Accuracy of reports
  • Medical Report in 1 Hour
  • BMDC Registered Doctor
  • Online Based Service
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Powerful Technology

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Need Help?

We understand that online reporting technology is new in our country, No problem here, we are ready to help you to get the service and enjoy the benefits of technology. Just make an appointment to get help from our experts

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Best Medical Reporting service in the town!

Previde perfect medical reports within 1 hours to your patient by renowned medical technologist

Our Services

Radiology Reporting

Radiology Reporting

Pathology Reporting

Pathology Reporting

AI Based Assistance

Based on Symptoms

Consultant Based Assistance

Based on Reports, Report Descriptions, and Doctor Category Suggestions.

Reporting Cost Checker

Organization wise Reporting Cost check


Why Choose Us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,elit. Cum sit ullam. Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's

Emergency Care

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Operation Theater

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Cancer Service

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